A Sermon on Salvation and the Cross
Key Text: Luke 19:9, 10
- Do you love dogs?
- How much do you know about dogs?
- It is for many good reasons that some people have called the dog ‘man’s best friend.’
- A dog can be far more loyal to its owner than most people are in their relationships. For this reason, Mark Twain once said the more he knew about people, the more he loved his dog!
- Today we are not talking just about any dog, but rather about the bloodhound.
- This is a special breed of with an extra-ordinary sense of smell and relentless tracking instinct
- Because of these qualities, this dog is most commonly used in search and rescue operations. It can track fugitives from justices as well as people that are lost or abducted.
- The bloodhound is a great metaphor for us to appreciate Christ’s relentless pursuit of our lost planet and lives.
- Salvation is a search and rescue operation.
- Our first parents were, as it were lost in Eden (Gen. 3)
- God came to the scene with sorrow and distress. He then promised of a search and rescue mission (Gen. 3:15)
- Throughout the Old Testament, in signs and symbols of the sanctuary services, in songs, stories and poems, there was anticipation of the coming saviour.
- The Bloodhound of heaven started sniffing for lost humanity from the gates of heaven until finally he caught up with us through incarnation in Nazareth.
- New Testament
- The angel specified that His name was to be called Jesus, “because he shall save his people from their sins” (Matt. 1:21).
- The shepherds in Bethlehem were told that his birth was cause for rejoicing by all mankind (Luke 2:1ff).
- In his search, “he needed to pass through Samaria” (John 4:4). It was there that He met with and interacted with Samaritan woman.
- When He came to Jericho, with the instinct of a true bloodhound, He came to a halt under that fig tree and looked up to Zacchaeus, calling Him by His name (Luke 19:10ff). Here was one more sinner in desperate need of salvation.
- He was accused for eating with sinners (Luke 15:1-7). They should have known better that He actually came for such, so their accusation was an inadvertent compliment.
- With the determination of a bloodhound on trail, He set His face toward Jerusalem where He would die and would not be dissuaded, telling Peter to “get thee behind me Satan” (Matt. 16:21-23; cf. Luke 9:51).
- Even Pilate could not comprehend his collectedness and composure in the light of the accusations levelled against Him by the Jews. Pilate marvelled (Mark 15:3-5)! They say, if not restrained, a bloodhound will drive itself to death through exhaustion as it will not stop while on the trail. Jesus went all the way, in pursuit of a lost planet and in search of your life and mine. In search of Adam, Eve and their family. No wonder Pilate was baffled!
- Even in while dying on the cross, of His seven sayings on the cross, the longest was his assurance of salvation to one of the thieves crucified together with Him (Luke 23:39-43)! The saving instinct.
- In the end, it was with a sense of accomplishment that he breathed out the words “it is finished” before He dropped his head into the lock of His shoulders in death (John 19:30). The bloodhound’s mission was now accomplished, with your salvation and mine secured at the cost of His own life! What love is this! What matchless love!
- Considering all that God has done for you in Christ Jesus, what is your response to His love?
- Is it your desire to commit yourself to Him?
- Is it your desire to recommit your life to Him and your Lord and Saviour?
- Would you want to share His amazing love with others?
Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for your great plan of salvation and for sending Jesus Christ to seek and rescue me. I give my life to Him who gave His life for me. Save me and save me now. Amen!
Chief of Sinners though I Be!
Chief of sinners though I be,
Jesus shed His blood for me.
Died that I might live on high,
Lived that I might never die.
As the branch is to the vine,
I am His and He is mine.
Oh, the height of Jesus’ love,
Higher than the heav’ns above,
Deeper than the depths of sea,
Lasting as eternity!
Love that found me–wondrous thought!
Found me when I sought Him not.
Only Jesus can impart
Balm to heal the wounded heart,
Peace that flows from sin forgiv’n,
Joy that lifts the soul to heav’n.
Faith and hope to walk with God
In the way that Enoch trod.
Chief of sinners though I be,
Christ is all in all to me.
All my wants to Him are known,
All my sorrows are His own.
He sustains the hidden life
Safe with Him from earthly strife.
O my Savior, help afford
By Your Spirit and Your Word!
When my wayward heart would stray,
Keep me in the narrow way;
Grace in time of need supply
While I live and when I die.